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nt we seek them for ourselves?732 of 1759
Anna KareninaBecause it would be just like inventing afresh themeans for constructing railways. They are ready,invented.But if they dont do for us, if theyre stupid? saidLevin.And again he detected the expression of alarm in theeyes of Sviazhsky.Oh, yes; well bury the world under our caps! Wevefound th bo derek nude e secret Europe was seeking for! Ive heard allthat; but, excuse me, do you know all thats been done inEurope on the question of the organization of labor?No, very little.That question is now absorbing the best minds inEurope. The Schulze-Delitsch movement.... And then allthis enormous literature of the labor question, the mostliberal Lassalle movement...the Mulhausen experiment?Thats a fact by now, as youre probably aware.I have some idea of it, but very vague.No, you only say that; no doubt you know all about itas well as I do. Im not a professor of sociology, of course,but it interested me, and really, if it interests you, youought to study it.But what conclusion have they come to?Excuse me..733 of 1759
Anna KareninaThe two neighbors had risen, and Sviazhsky, oncemore checking Levin in his inconvenient habit of peepinginto what was beyond the outer chambers of his mind,went to see his guests out.734 of 1759
Anna KareninaChapter 28Levin was insufferably bored that evening with t bo derek nude heladies; he was stirred as he had never been before by theidea that the dissatisfaction he was feeling with his systemof managing his land was not an exceptional case, but thegeneral condition of things in Russia; that the organizationof some relation of the laborers to the soil in which theywould work, as with the peasant he had met half-way tothe Sviazhskys, was not a dream, but a problem whichmust be solved. And it se bo derek nude emed to him that the problemcould be solved, and that he ought to try and solve it.After saying good-night to the ladies, and promising tostay the whole of the next day, so as to make anexpedition on horseback with them to see an interestingruin in the crown forest, Levin went, before going to bed,into his hosts study to get the books on the labor questionthat Sviazhsky had offered him. Sviazhskys study was ahuge room, surrounded by bookcases and with two tablesin it—one a massive writing table, standing in the middleof the room, and the other a round table, covered withrecent numbers of reviews and journals in differentlanguages, ranged like the rays of a star round the lamp.735 of 1759
Anna KareninaOn the writing table was a stand of drawers marked with bo derek nude gold lettering, and full of papers of various sorts.Sviazhsky took out the books, and sat down in arocking-chair.What are you looking at there? he said to Levin, whowas standing at the round table looking through thereviews.Oh, yes, theres a very interesting article here, saidSviazhsky of the review Levin was holding in his hand. Itappears, he went on, with eager interest, that Friedrichwas not, after all, the person chiefly responsible for thepartition of Poland. It is proved..And with his characteristic clearness, he su bo derek nude mmed upthose new, very important, and interesting revelations.Although Levin was engrossed at the moment by his ideasabout the problem of the land, he wondered, as he heardSviazhsky: What is there inside of him? And why, why ishe interested in the partition of Poland? When Sviazhskyhad finished, Levin could not help asking: Well, and whatthen? But there was nothing to follow. It was simplyinteresting that it had been proved to be so and so. ButSviazhsky did not explain, and saw no need to explainwhy it was interesting to him.736 of 1759
Anna KareninaYes, but I was very much interested by your irritableneighbor, said Levin, sighing. Hes a clever fellow, andsaid a lot that was true.Oh, get along with you! A bo derek nude n inveterate supporter ofserfdom at heart, like all of them! said Sviazhsky.Whose marshal you are.Yes, only I marshal them in the other direction, saidSviazhsky, laughing.Ill tell you what interests me very much, said Levin.Hes right that our system, thats to say of rationalfarming, doesnt answer, that the only thing that answers isthe money-lender system, like that meek-lookinggentlemans, or else the very simplest.... Who bo derek nude se fault is it?Our own, of course. Besides, its not true that itdoesnt answer. It answers with Vassiltchikov.A factory..But I really dont know what it is you are surprised at.The people are at such a low stage of rational and moraldevelopment, that its obvious theyre bound to opposeeverything thats strange to them. In Europe, a rationalsystem answers because the people are educated; it followsthat we must educate the people—thats all.But how are we to educate the people?737 of 1759
Anna KareninaTo educate the people three things are needed:schools, and schools, and schools.But you said yourself the people are at such a low stageof material development: what help are schools for that?Do you know, you remind me of the story of theadvice given to the sick man—You should try purgativemedicine. Taken: worse. Try leeches. Tried them: worse.Well, then, theres nothing left but to pray to God. Triedit: worse. Thats just how it is bo derek nude with us. I say politicaleconomy; you say—worse. I say socialism: worse.Education: worse.But how do schools help matters?They give the peasant fresh wants.Well, thats a thing Ive never understood, Levinreplied with heat. In what way are schools going to helpthe people to improve their material position? You sayschools, education, will give them fresh wants. So muchthe worse, since they wont be capable of satisfying them.And in what way a knowledge of addition and subtractionand the cat bo derek nude echism is going to improve their materialcondition, I never could make out. The day beforeyesterday, I met a peasant woman in the evening with alittle baby, and asked her where she was going. She saidshe was going to the wise woman; her boy had screaming738 of 1759
Anna Kareninafits, so she was taking him to be doctored. I asked, Why,how does the wise woman cure screaming fits? She putsthe child on the hen-roost and repeats some charm.... Well, youre saying it yourself! Whats wanted toprevent her taking her child to the hen-roost to cure it ofscreaming fits is just... Sviazhsky said, smiling goodhumoredly.Oh, no! said Levin with annoyance; that method ofdoctoring I merely meant as a simile for doctoring thepeople with schools. The people are poor and ignorant—that bo derek nude we see as surely as the peasant woman sees the baby isill because it screams. But in what way this trouble ofpoverty and ignorance is to be cured by schools is asincomprehensible as how the hen-roost affects thescreaming. What has to be cured is what makes him poor.Well, in that, at least, youre in agreement withSpencer, whom you dislike so much. He says, too, thateducation may be the consequence of greater prosperityand comfort, of more frequent washing, as he says, but notof being able to read and write..Well, then, Im very glad—or the contrary, very sorry,that Im in agreement with Spencer; only Ive known it along while. Schools can do no good; what will do good isan economic organization in which the people will739 of 1759
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